Some photos of Bread, version 2. Courtesy of Michael Hicks Photography.
Heat and Bronze = Magic
Typical night...setting fire to the rug.
Two ways to die.
Studio time really went in reverse this evening but despite it all, I have an idea for a new piece. #brooklynart
I spent the evening chasing the cast bronze rug for "Basin". It will probably take a few sessions to make the welds blend nicely. #brooklynart #bronze #wip
Sundays are for... #brooklynart #wip #hole #paintingfeelslikerest
Bread, version 2
Bread, version 2. I ended up doing a combination of silver plating (which I tarnished and rubbed out) and a little darker patina on the root ends. It happened so fast I really haven't thought about how I feel about it. Done (I think).
I have a 7'x 5' canvas and I'm going to paint a hole big enough to drop a 6' x 2' "Trunk" into it.
Bread, version 2. I think it's pretty well rooted so I'm calling it a night.
The fun part.
Bread, version 2. The fun part of the sculpture: welding on the branches to the "bread loaf" and slices. My interest is rekindled.
Sure is shiny...
Sure is shiny after chasing the bronze and preparing it for the branches--- and I don't like shiny. I'll be welding on the branches soon so that will change.
Still life of Bread, version 2.
This week will be filled with completing the second version of Bread--adding the cast bronze branches which hold up the loaf and the slices.
Trunk's companion, "Hole".
I haven't painted in many years but Trunk can't be finished without this new painting which I started today.
EVERYTHING changes today.
Intimate Brooms in metal
I'm really pushing the Intimate Brooms. I want to be able to cast them in bronze within a week.
Bread, Version 2 half cast in Bronze
Intimate Brooms in investment
Tusk (Broken)
That's how it goes. You try to rush and you get thrown back a few. I put the adhesive for the velvet flocking on the "Broken Tusk" piece while the temperature was too cold-it left textures and bumps in the surface so I'll have to strip this off, buy and ship more ivory flocking, and start over. Life is peculiarly similar.
Intimate Brooms
Getting the right position with the full scale wax was a little bit trickier than I thought it would be.
The intimate brooms are in process.
The sketch- cast in bronze.
Preparing for molding.
Applying the first coat of rubber.
Adding keys to the second coat to lock into the plaster shell.
The open mold after removing the broom.
Pulling a few waxes out of the mold helps clean the mold of all the loose straw from the broom.
A bit cleaner.
Playing around with some positions with a cleaner wax.
Two usable waxes made tonight for the Intimate Brooms. 4/18/17